The Purpose of This Bl;og

By and large, liberals are very decent, kind, and compassionate people who genuinely want what is best. This should be kept in mind as we explore the Law of Unintended Negative Consequences near invariably resulting from Leftist big-hearted solutions to societal problems.

Subject Index

  • Home
  • Gun Control -"What about the results of liberal gun control laws? Have they worked and solved the problem as intended? Have they, or will they decrease gun ownership, make our communities safer, and prevent mass murders? The short answer on all accounts is, no, gun control laws don't work."
  • Obamacare -"The Obama 'cure' is worse than the 'disease,' and the people most likely to be negatively impacted by the Obamacare LUNCs are those who can least afford it--i.e. the elderly, sickly, and poor."
  • Environmentalism -Liberal environmentalism has made matters worse for both human life on the planet and the planet, itself.
  • Governmental Welfare Efforts on the Left to assist people in need have sentenced more people to a life of neediness.
  • Equality and Civil Rights
    •  "Income Inequality"
    • Zimmerman/Martin Controversy The civil rights movement has become the uncivil wrong movement.
    • "Marriage Equality" - Same-Sex Marriage
      • Introduction -While rightly making homosexuals safe in some ways, liberals have made matters worse for all parties by legalizing same-sex marriage.
      • Hurting the Children - Children have been wrongly exploited in the pursuit of "gay marriage," and sadly they stand to bear the brunt of this radical and unprecedented social experiment.
      • Too Few -Just a measly 6% of homosexuals have entered into legalize relationships where possible. Was it all worth it?
      • Spike in Social Ills - Liberal efforts to decrease health and mortality risks among homosexuals, has resulted in the opposite.
      • Degraded Traditional Marriage -"By legalizing same-sex marriage and altering other marital and moral terms, the fundamental institution of society has subsequently lost some of its appeal and virtue and moral impetus."
      • Marriage in Crisis -"Good and decent liberals have naively supposed that their support for same-sex marriage would ultimately strengthen the fundamental structure of society, but in reality they have unwittingly accented to the destruction of the traditional family--and for the life of them, they can't see it."
      • Ripple Effect -"With the decline of marriage and family and social mores brought on somewhat by legalizing same-sex marriage...there are other Leftist LUNCs rippling therefrom."
      • Costly Gov Expansion -Legalizing same-sex marriage by liberals could cost trillions of dollars during the nations financial crisis and spiraling national debt.
      • No "Marriage Equality" -Legalizing same-sex marriage didn't, and won't, and can't produce "marriage equality" as claimed. This liberal concept is illusionary and a ruse.
      • Loss of Freedom -Gay marriage was intended to extend freedom, but will take away some freedoms for opponents and proponents alike.
      • Opened Floodgates -Moral and legal groundwork has now been laid for liberal legitimization of other alternative, socially unpopular and repelling marriages, lifestyles, and behaviors.
      • Destructive Compassion -The destructive power of liberalism is manifest in the promotion of homosexuality and gay marriage. People are literally being killed by liberal kindness.
      • Blurs Critical Male/Female Distinction -Through liberal promotion of gay marriage and other cultural causes, the value of women and mothers has been diminished.
      • House Divided When it comes to homosexual issues, liberals are now at each others throats. 
  • Obamanomics
    • Intro--Trickle-Up Poverty -Obamanomics makes the rich poorer, and the poor poorer.
    • Divide Between Rich and Poor -Obamanomics has caused the gap to widen.
    • Unemployment, Jobs, and Workforce -Because of Obamanomics, "there are less and less people working, and working less and less hours, to pay for more and more people to receive unemployment benefits that inadvertently encourage less and less people to work and keep jobs to pay for said benefits."
    • Debt -Is Obama condemned as "unpatriotic" by his own standard? Yes.
    • Disibility Claims -"While the number of people with jobs has climbed 2.7 million since June 2009, the pool of Americans who aren’t in the labor force at all has shot up by 7.5 million. A great many of these people will likely never come back to the workforce even if the economy does rebound: not because they’ve aged into retirement but because they’ve signed up instead to get disability benefits."
    • Food Stamps Using even the most flattering job statistics, "during Obama's first term as president, the explosion of food stamps was 10 to 75 time the rate of job creation."
    • Poverty -"Instead of the 2009 'stimulus package' lifting 2 million people out of poverty as promised by President Obama...greater than 6 million more people fell into poverty during his first term."
    • Taxes -Promises made to the middle-class and poor and small businesses, were broken promises.
    • Income and Minimum Wage - More broken promises and the economy made worse (See also the series on Minimum Wage)
    • Income Inequality 
  • Obama's Energy Policies
    • Introduction -Prioritizing the environment above serious energy concerns has been a recipe for disaster.
    • Gas Prices -We were promised positive change, but were given the same O'l misery at the pump.
    • Oil Dependency -Taking credit where discredit is due.
    • Domestic Production of Oil -He really didn't build that, and even got in the way.
    • Drilling -Oil and gas drilling is up, in spite of President Obama
    • "Subsidizing Big Oil" -A word game that could cost hundreds of billions of dollars and loss of millions of jobs.
    • Keystone Pipeline - Clear evidence that the President's "green" agenda is getting inanely in the way of diminished energy costs, job creation, improved economy and national security.
    • Fracking - Obama's fracking policies manage to disappoint all sides.
    • Coal - Another example where Obama's "green" agenda is destined to ruin a viable energy source, wreck havoc on jobs and the economy, without producing any discernible impact on "climate change."
    • Green -

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